Sensual Astrology: Seasonal Celestial Guidance + Horoscopes


Sensual Astrology is the decadent, erotic, sensory-focused mythopoetic aspect of astrology, where we feel it both visceral and embodied. So much of astrology connects to the analytical mind: the why, the how, the what-ifs. 

My practice of astrology is much more personal – an intimate experience with the stars, which is how the ancients connected to them. Imagine looking up on a starry night and the pure ecstasy you felt while imagining the Universe. The eyes absorb the celestial beauty, the ears tuned into the symphony of evening sounds, the sense of smell and taste connected to the seasonal air, your skin like an antennae for what dwells around you. 

That is Sensual Astrology – a felt-sense experience with the most ancient of connections: us with the Universe. 

We start with Scorpio season, the most mystical and magical of all seasons. Light some dripping beeswax candles, throw on a simmer pot, and pour yourself a spiked hot chocolate – things are getting sexy. 

Scorpio is a fixed water sign that is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto. As a constellation in the sky, Scorpio is incredibly large; the ancients thought of the Scorpio constellation as chasing the fertility maiden of Virgo, claws and all. 

The archetype of Scorpio is one imbued with dramatic and determined willpower, an attraction toward the esoteric, and a magnetic pull toward both the transformative and the powerful. Scorpio Season is a time when the great Veil – the gossamer lining between this world and the next – is flung open so that spirit comes through. For some, that is the spirit of a passed-over loved one; for others, that is the strength of their own spirit calling them back. 

Scorpio season is full of equal moments of rapture and revenge, unbridled sexuality and passionate sensuality, libidinous poetry, and creative purpose. During Scorpio season, all of us must learn to subdue or fight our fears and master the powers of the shadows that dwell within. 

I'll go through each week of Scorpio season and uncover a sensory-based message from the stars. Remember: your five senses are touch, taste, sight, sound, and feeling. Then there's the most powerful of the senses, but also the most invisible one – intuition or sensing. You might want to pay attention to that one most of all. 

All dates and times are PDT. 

Scorpio Week: October 23 - October 29 

Week Theme: Be Gentle With Yourself When Things Are Rough 
Sense of The Week: Hearing 
Embodiment Practices
Doom Metal 
Incense Burning 
Brown Noise 

Oct 23, 9:21 a.m.: Sun enters Scorpio
Passionate, powerful, purposeful, and wholly unforgettable.

Oct 24: Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Pisces
Listen to your intuition, even if you hear an unpopular message.

Oct 25: Sun in Scorpio sextile Lilith in Virgo
Perfection isn't about being the best, but being the most committed. 

Oct 28: Full Moon in Taurus and Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5 degrees Taurus @ 1:23 p.m. PT
Grief isn't always about letting go; sometimes, it's about letting in. 

Oct 28: Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus
Swoon-worthy theatrics and soap opera-worthy drama.

Oct 28: Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus
Impulsive, imposing, and impossible to say no to.  

Oct 29: Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Scorpio
Get quiet so you can hear all the sexy little secrets of the Universe.  

At the risk of sounding very goth, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus this week is the culmination of what feels like a lifetime's worth of suffering, burn-out, and overwhelm. This Moon releases all that strips you of pleasure and encourages you to embrace rest by first taking you to your limits. It's not go-big-or-go-home; it’s go-big-and-then-go-home and nap. Instead of a turning point, let this be a significant turning in. This week may give you a few opportunities to model integrity, but also be bold and tell it like it is. Listening intently is your most valuable resource. 

Scorpio Week: Oct 30 - Nov 5 

Week Theme: Sometimes, The Only Way Out Is To Make Something Up 
Sense of The Week: Vision 
Embodiment Practices
Alternative Romances 
High-Yield Savings 
Pragmatic Truths 
Buddhist Mandalas 

Oct 31: Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
Exciting, engaging, and inspirational new relationships can be yours. 

Nov 2: Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus
Fake it until you make it, but don't lie too much. 

Nov 3: Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces
Delulu is not actually the solulu. 

Nov 4: Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus
Miscommunications, misadventures, and a lot of weirdness. 

Nov 4: Saturn in Pisces Direct
Let go of being perfect and try just to be present. 

Saturn in Pisces goes direct this week, reminding us that compassion is the best teacher, time is not cyclical (it is multidimensional), and sometimes we have to do nothing to accomplish something. Dreams often get squashed by practical truths, but I challenge you to consider the gritty reality as a part of it all. Every dream needs a solid foundation to not only survive, but thrive. However, love does not abide by these rules this week, and relationships may feel whimsical, magical, and impractical. Take a few relationship risks – even if things don't go as planned, at least they will make a fun story later. 

Scorpio Week: Nov 6 - Nov 12 

Week Theme: You Can Get What You Want, Just Don't Think Too Hard About It 
Sense of The Week: Taste 
Embodiment Practices
Rosewater Macaroons 
Your Own Medicine 
Vivid Words 
Coffee-tinged Kisses 

Nov 6: Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Commit yourself vehemently to the things that have endurance. 

Nov 6: Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Dive deep into the imaginal, liminal place of the possibilities.  

Nov 8: Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Research the thing that both intrigues and scares you most. 

Nov 8: Venus enters Libra
Appreciate the nuance and subtle romance of a well-balanced and beautiful life. 

Nov 9: Mercury enters Sagittarius
Take a leap into the mind-opening expanses of the more fantastic unknown. 

Nov 10: Mercury in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces
Challenge the things that challenge you by surrendering to not knowing. 

Nov 11: Mars in Scorpio opp Uranus in Taurus
Get grounded instead of reacting to your triggers. 

Nov 12: Mercury in Sagittarius square Lilith in Virgo
Judgment calls are purely subjective, so speak slowly and wisely. 

Venus and Mercury, oft-forgotten lovers, enjoy mingling on the star-strewn bed of the cosmos. Venus moves into domicile in flirty Libra, while Mercury becomes the nutty professor in Sagittarius. With four Mercury aspects this week plus Mercury shifting signs, the leading energy this week is the mind's push, pull, and play – at times, our imagination may feel hindered by reality (or laziness). In contrast, at other times, we feel deeply intuitive. Venus adds a sensual obsession with getting to the bottom of our earthiest whys – what we value, what makes us feel abundant, and how we can get to the next level in whatever we are passionate about.

Scorpio Week: Nov 13-Nov 19 

Week Theme: The Esoteric Amplies The Erotic 
Sense of The Week: Smell 
Embodiment Practices
Perfumed Letters 
Cashmere and Leather 
Burning Diaries 
Leaving Something Exposed 

Nov 13: New Moon in Scorpio @ 1:27 a.m. PT @ 21 degrees
Every desire that is hidden comes to light. 

Nov 13: Sun in Scorpio opp Uranus in Taurus
Freedom to be your sensual self is the most precious treasure. 

Nov 15: Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Libra
Romantic balance comes from a more expansive mindset. 

Nov 17: Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Magic, a magnetic pull towards purpose, and a sense of meaning make you brave. 

Nov 17: Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Immerse yourself in the mystery and fantasy of the moment. 

Nov 17: Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Scorpio
Passion, transformation, swagger, and a lot of sexy edge. 

The week begins with a sensual yet straightforward New Moon in Scorpio. All New Moons in Scorpio bring great transmutation and personal empowerment, teaching us the healing dynamics between light and dark. However, this New Moon gets an extra boost in potency from Mars, who co-rules Scorpio, and from Uranus in Taurus in opposition. What does this mean in a more embodied and personal way? Life this week holds a tremendous and dangerous thrill, a sense of fantasy and destiny that we need to be courageous for, and hopefully, a friendly entourage of fellow freaks to cause chaos with as we dance with the shadows. 

Scorpio Week: Nov 20- Nov 22 

Week Theme: Strong Sense Of Self and a Magnetic Mind 
Sense of The Week: Feeling 
Embodiment Practices
Financial Planning
Deep-Tissue Full Body Massage 
Taking Out The Trash
Powerful Conversations  

Nov 21: Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
A deeper integration of all you trust and know. 

Nov 21: Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Positive new insights into the healed inner warrior. 

Nov 22: Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Iron will, resilience, and determination amplify your hard work. 

This week, there is an intense physicality, a determined pull towards purpose, and an empowered, straight-spine stance. You may feel in your element, which helps you become more aware of what you feel passionate about and how this expansive new feeling can help you heal. Words can be significant if you use them as keys to open up new insights and positive beliefs about your capabilities. The journey during this celestial cycle is deep, intense, and penetrating – in all the best ways. Enjoy the extra grit and determination! 

Nov 22 6:03 a.m.: Sun enters Sagittarius


Crescent Moon

Your Sensual Astrology Horoscope — What Is Your Scorpio Season Obsession? 

Aries and/or Aries Rising: You're obsessed with power – truly, though, you deserve it, so take this month to rebuild your confidence, feel more empowered, and feel the rush of being in control again. 

Taurus and/or Taurus Rising: You're obsessed with another person – is it love, a good partnership, or codependency? This is your month to find out whether you are connected to some people because you like them or because it's easy. 

Gemini and/or Gemini Rising: You're obsessed with feeling healthy – this is your month to connect with what makes you feel healthy, whole, and at ease in mind, body, and soul, and then apply that knowledge to your everyday world. 

Cancer and/or Cancer Rising: You're obsessed with being in love – this month, passion and creativity are abound, and the number one inspiration behind this resurgence of your fertile nature is your love life. 

Leo and/or Leo Rising: You're obsessed with doing witchy shit – summon your ancestors, hold a séance, or just add some magic medicine to your bat brownies, because your home suddenly became a witch's cottage in a dark forest. 

Virgo and/or Virgo Rising: You're obsessed with being the smartest – this month, knowledge is power, and you're the one with the superpowers, so research, write, and connect the dots while you feel passionate about your subject. 

Libra and/or Libra Rising: You're obsessed with taking it easy – use this month to swap the birthday cake out for something more nourishing. Take long, decadent naps, and opt out of social engagements. 

Scorpio and/or Scorpio Rising: You're obsessed with your aesthetic – find a vibe that highlights your most authentic personality, and then add a splash of goth. 

Sagittarius and/or Sagittarius Rising: You're obsessed with being alone – craving freedom from other people's opinions this month will take you deeper into your spiritual relationship with yourself, which is always an excellent pre-birthday season vibe. 

Capricorn and/or Capricorn Rising: You're obsessed with getting some support – finally, after a few months of doing everything by yourself, you can get some help from your friends and networks. 

Aquarius and/or Aquarius Rising: You're obsessed with making a difference – you've got big goals and aspirations this month, and you'll do whatever it takes to make them happen, with a deep lean into equality and justice, of course. 

Pisces and/or Pisces Rising: You're obsessed with chasing your dreams – whether it's the dreams in your dream journal or the more IRL dreams that you have, nothing will stop you from dreaming big this month. 


Sensual Astrology: Venus through the Signs